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FRAME Mentoring 2022: the call for applications is open

FRAME Mentoring 2022: the call for applications is open

For the first time, the FRAME training programme, organized by INA for more than 10 years, in partnership with FIAT/IFTA and EBU Academy and co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, offers a mentoring programme for young professionals: FRAME Mentoring.

What is FRAME Mentoring?

The FRAME Mentoring programme is designed and organized by INA with the support of EBU Academy. For 6 months, you will be assisted by recognized professionals from several European audiovisual archive institutions. The objective: to help you develop your professional project and your career.

The mentorship programme includes:

• Monthly online exchanges with your tutor and experts in your field ;

• Professional immersion for two weeks at INA or in a partner institution ;

• Accreditation to the next FIAT/IFTA international conference, which will offer you an overview of the latest trends in audiovisual archives and an opportunity to develop your network.

For whom?

FRAME Mentoring is aimed at all young professionals in the audiovisual archives field with less than 5 years of experience (in the same position or in a similar position), regardless of their age, nationality, or field of predilection (technical, documentation, production, etc.).

If you meet these criteria, submit your application via the form and join the large FRAME community, a training program funded by the European Union since more than 10 years.

Your participation to the FRAME Mentoring programme (flights, hotels, lunches) is 100% covered by the program.

How to apply?

All you have to do is complete the application form before april 15th. A jury will examine all the applications received and select two participants for this first session of FRAME Mentoring.


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