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Research team

Research team

Research is one of INA's historic missions. The projects and prototypes developed within the Institute make it a place of innovation and expertise in the field of audiovisual and digital media.

Research & Innovation

One of INA's founding missions, Research contributes to making the company a media laboratory. As a source of innovation and a key player in national and European scientific research, our Research team conducts applied research, i.e. research with concrete aims and practical objectives.

The objects of this research are audiovisual and media content, usage environments, audiovisual and media practices and methodologies. The objectives are to design new technologies for audiovisual professionals and INA users and clients, and to study the media ecosystem within the broader field of digital humanities.

Alongside its academic and industrial partners, INA Research team takes part in collaborative projects supported by national and European funding agencies. Bilateral projects also exist, notably for the supervision of doctoral students, with various academic establishments such as INRIA, LIUM, LISN or Sciences Po. The work and results of the Research team are made available through scientific publications in national and international journals and conferences, as well as in the form of open-source software. You can also find some presentations of our work on the INA Research Youtube channel.

The Research team has close links with the INA thèque, the entry point for researchers to access the Institute's holdings, notably through the setting up of a Lab designed to encourage quantitative approaches to media studies.

Research and development priorities and projects

Researchers, engineers and PhD students are working on theoretical models, developing and testing prototypes in the fields of restoration and digitization, image and sound analysis, pattern recognition, data mining, artificial intelligence, semantic content processing and media analysis. This work is essential if we are to meet the major challenges posed by the changes in media and markets brought about by digital technology. Some of the solutions designed by INA engineers and researchers, such as the Signature software for video copy detection, are widely marketed internationally.

Research at INA is also carried out in the field of digital sound and electroacoustic music by another team: the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM). Set up in 1958, the GRM is engaged in more theoretical reflection on musical analysis and transcription, the projection of sound in concert space, the conservation of sound archives and associated metadata, knowledge of the history and sociology of electronic music, and the perception of music.

Current major projects

  • Dataset - Data Corpus for Research
  • Open source - Open-source software
  • Pantagruel (ANR - TSIA) - Develop and evaluate multimodal (written, spoken, pictograms) and inclusive linguistic models for French
  • ArGiMi (BPI - France 2030) - LLM creation and evaluation
  • GEM (ANR) - Gender Equality Monitor
  • Medialex (ANR) - Approche computationnelle des dynamiques d’influence entre agendas législatifs et médiatiques
  • OOPAIP (DIM IdF) - Ontologie et Outils Pour l’Annotation des Interventions Politiques
  • Antract (ANR) - Analyse transdisciplinaire des actualités filmées
  • OTMedia - Transmedia News Observatory
  • Saphir - Optical Playback of Analogue Audio Discs Records
  • Snoop - Moteur de recherche de classes d’objets visuels
  • Okapi - Open Knowledge Annotation and Publishing Interface

Current members

Recent publications

View the full list of publications as well as the full list of PhD thesis

Gender Representation in TV and Radio: Automatic Information Extraction methods versus Manual Analyses
D. Doukhan, L. Dodson, M. Conan, V. Pelloin, A. Clamouse, M. Lepape, G. Van Hille, C. Méadel and M. Coulomb-Gully
InterSpeech 2024, September 2024

Articulatory Configurations across Genders and Periods in French Radio and TV archives
B. Elie, D. Doukhan, R. Uro, L. Ondel-Yang, A. Rilliard and S. Devauchelle
InterSpeech 2024, September 2024

Detecting the terminality of speech-turn boundary for spoken interactions in French TV and Radio content
R. Uro, M. Tahon, D. Doukhan, A. Laurent and A. Rilliard
InterSpeech 2024, September 2024

Automatic Classification of News Subjects in Broadcast News: Application to a Gender Bias Representation Analysis
V. Pelloin, L. Dodson, E. Chapuis, N. Hervé and D. Doukhan
InterSpeech 2024, September 2024

Évaluation perceptive de l’anticipation de la prise de parole lors d’interactions dialogiques en français
R. Uro, A. Rilliard, D. Doukhan, M. Tahon and A. Laurent
JEP TALN RECITAL 2024, July 2024

InaGVAD : A Challenging French TV and Radio Corpus Annotated for Speech Activity Detection and Speaker Gender Segmentation
D. Doukhan, C. Maertens, W. Le Personnic, L. Speroni and R. Dehak
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), p. 8963–8974, ELRA and ICCL, May 2024 (link)

Annotation of Transition-Relevance Places and Interruptions for the Description of Turn-Taking in Conversations in French Media Content
R. Uro, M. Tahon, J. Wottawa, D. Doukhan, A. Rilliard and A. Laurent
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), p. 1225–1232, ELRA and ICCL, May 2024 (link)

Intégration de l’intelligence artificielle dans les traitements d’images vidéo : pistes de travail et perspectives
A. Hery, P. Flard and L. Laborelli
Lettre CST (Commission Supérieure Technique de l’image et du son) (HS), March 2024

Quantifier le genre dans les médias : défis méthodologiques d’une enquête politique
L. Biscarrat, M. Coulomb-Gully, D. Doukhan and C. Méadel
Communication (Univ Laval) (41-1 (A paraître été 2024)), 2024

Analyse transdisciplinaire d’un corpus d’actualités filmées : L’environnement d’analyse numérique développé par le projet ANTRACT
J. Carrive, A. Beloued, P. Goetschel, S. Heiden, S. Lalande, P. Lisena, F. Mazuet, S. Meignier, B. Pincemin and R. Troncy
Les nouveaux paradigmes de l’archive, Publications des Archives nationales, 2024 (link)

Some past projects

Memad (H2020), DPARSAS (Idex), Liminal (ANR), MEMOMINES (ANR), Panama (PIA), Qualinca (ANR), Campus-AAR (ANR), Presto4U (FP7), David (FP7), Europeana V2.0, PrestoPRIME (FP7), Quaero, Gamelan, C2M, Europeana, Vitalas (FP7), EUSCREEN-XL (FP7), Assets (FP7), CASPAR (IP), Infom@gic (Cap Digital), Logos (FP6), PrestoSpace (FP6), Mesh (FP6), Brava (IST), Aurora (ACTS)

Some past members

Feriel Abboud (phd student), Alexandre Allauzen (phd student), Gwendal Auffret (phd student), Bruno Bachimont, Raphaël Bornard (phd student), François Braud, Pierre-Alexandre Broux (phd student), Vincent Brunie, Marc Caillet (phd student), Jean Carrive (head of research, researcher, phd student), Patrick Courounet (researcher), Gilles Daigneault (researcher), Jean-Claude Domenget (phd student), Frédéric Dumas, Marc Évrard (researcher), Ludovic Gaillard (phd student), Hervé Goëau (phd student), Sébastien Gulluni (phd student), Younés Hafri (phd student), Moritz Hengel (phd student), Antoine Isaac (phd student), Rakia Jaziri (phd student), Alexis Joly (phd student), Rémi Landais (phd student), Julien Law-To (phd student), Estelle Le Roux (phd student), Quentin Leroy (phd student), Karine Lespinasse (phd student), Pierre Letessier (researcher, phd student), Valentin Leveau (phd student), Flaurent Lioret, Véronique Malaisé (phd student), Béatrice Mazoyer (phd student), Zeynep Pehlivan (researcher), Alain Perrier, Thomas Petit (phd student), Jeremy Philippeau (phd student), Guillaume Picard (phd student), Jean-Philippe Poli (phd student), Sébastien Poullot (phd student), Bingqing Qu (phd student), Haolin Ren (phd student), Benjamin Renoust (phd student), Jérome Thièvre (phd student), Sorin Tilie (phd student), Paul Tomi (researcher), Matteo Treleani (phd student), Raphaël Troncy (phd student), Félicien Vallet (researcher, phd student), Emmanuel Veneau (phd student), Marie-Luce Viaud (researcher), Laurent Vinet (researcher)