Haroun Tazieff, volcanologist, on the set of the TV programme “L’invité du dimanche”, 1970. Copyright: Jacques Chevry | Ina
A survey to assess current situation and initiate a reflection in the audiovisual archives sector
According to the World Meteorological Organization, the last seven years are the warmest on record, and natural disasters linked to warming are increasing all over the world. Climate change and environmental damage make the ecological transition more necessary and urgent every day. In this context, the audiovisual archives sector must also take up the environmental challenge.
Indeed, as any human activity, audiovisual archiving has an environmental impact. How exactly should it be evaluated? How is it possible to reduce it? How do the audiovisual archives sector take this issue into account? What can audiovisual archives professionals do?
As part of the FRAME training programme, INA in partnership with FIAT/IFTA launches a survey to assess the current situation in the audiovisual archives sector. This follows a first FRAME Expert workshop intitled “Can audiovisual archiving be green ?", organized during the 2022 FIAT/IFTA World Conference.
The survey
To evaluate the level of awareness in the audiovisual archives sector regarding its environmental impact
To assess current practices and measures taken by audiovisual archives professionals and institutions
To identify experts, committed professionals and best practices in this domain
To initiate a reflection among professionals and players
To develop best practices and adapt norms and standards
Based on collected answers, a study will be published on INA’s website and results shared and discussed during the next FIAT/IFTA World Conference in October 2023.
In the short term, this survey should enable the identification of aware and committed professionals, to highlight and promote actions and encourage professionals to get involved and take decisions that have a significant impact. In the longer term, it will enable a better consideration of environmental issues in institutions and organisations managing audiovisual archives as well as within technical guidelines promoted by international associations.
Target group
All professionals working for the preservation, management and access of archives professionals, in broadcasters, libraries, museums, public archives, universities, private companies, etc.
Deadline: June 30 2023
For any questions & more information: frame@ina.fr
This survey is part of the FRAME training programme, designed and organised by INA (French National Audiovisual Institute), with the support of FIAT/IFTA, EBU Academy and co-funded by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme of the European Commission.