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MediaNumeric : project for the new generation of journalists 

MediaNumeric : project for the new generation of journalists 

MediaNumeric : INA will train the new generation of journalists to use data and fight against disinformation in the framework of a European project.

Crédits photo : Laszlo Ruszka

Heritage media, initial and continuing training center for audiovisual and digital media professions, audiovisual heritage management consulting agency, INA strives to carry its values in each of its European and international projects. With its commitment to the MediaNumeric project and alongside its European partners, the Institute contributes to the promotion and construction of a European information and media ecosystem, based on knowledge, innovation and cooperation.

In the framework of this project, INA will put its educational expertise in the media and digital sectors at the service of European journalism students: it will support the development of a training program adapted to partices' changes in the media industry and will participate, thanks to its large network of experts and the expertise of its collaborators, in the production of educational resources on digital media and data management, production and editorialization of journalistic content.

MediaNumeric is funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Union. This initiative is led by a consortium of European partners from audiovisual archives, media, digital and higher education: The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Netherlands), University of Applied Sciences In Holland (Netherlands), FINA National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institute (Poland), SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Poland), AFP - Agence France Presse (France), INA - National Audiovisual Institute (France), Storytek (Estonia) and EUscreen Foundation (Netherlands).

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