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French Presidency of the Council of the European Union: INA offers unprecedented training for journalists

French Presidency of the Council of the European Union: INA offers unprecedented training for journalists

Since January 1st and until June 31st, 2022, France holds the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In this framework, as a public heritage media, INA aims at enlightening the history of the European Union for the general public and to contribute to the European media landscape.

Crédits : INA/Justine Babut

As part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, INA offers in the catalog the training “European institutions and issues for journalists”: Two training sessions in English and French lasting two days are offered by the INA to journalists to encourage and improve the treatment of European subjects in the media.

Accessible in French and in English, this training allows journalists to better understand the construction of Europe and the functioning of the Union and aims to ensure accurate and relevant coverage of European subjects in the media.

The next session will take place from May 16 to 20, 2022 in Issy les Moulineaux. It is taught by a teacher-researcher expert in European subjects, and in intellectual property and new digital technologies.

As a public service heritage media and training center for audiovisual and digital professions, INA is mobilizing to highlight the history of the European Union to the public and contribute to the European media landscape. . From February to June, INA's editorial staff proposes to browse its archives through the European prism: high points in the political history of the Union, personalities and symbols of European cultures... A series of INA projects labeled Presidency French from the Council of the European Union can be found on the INA website and its social networks:


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